Respirometry Systems

Micro-plate System

Our microplate system allows the user to measure individual respiration rates of up to forty-eight very small organisms at one time.

We have microplates with 80, 200, 500, 940, and 1,000 microliter wells allowing studies of organisms as small as zebrafish or wood frog embryos up to those as large as chinook salmon embryos. Each reusable plate features twenty-four well and we can run two plates at a time. The plates can be run on the benchtop or in a controlled environment chamber.

example of a setup microplate multiple setup expanded

Microplate respirometry system:

  • Each well plate has 24 wells of various sizes. We have 80ul, 200ul,500ul, 940ul and 1700ul volume wells available.
  • We have two readers available, a total of 48 wells can be used at one time.

Mini Chamber System

mini chamber system

Mini-chamber system

9,29,62,80 mm length chambers are available

  • 10 chambers at 9 mm
  • 40 chambers at varying sizes
  • Both systems allow us to also assess a community-level response to changing environmental conditions through zooplankton or other small invertebrates.

Automated Data Collection

  • We can collect data for up to 48 animals at a time
  • 2 of these workstations are available for use
  • Allowing for animals to be tested at different environmental conditions at the same time
Detail of a respirometry trial with juvenile chinook salmon research project in Professor Paul Wheeler’s Fish Lab on the campus of Washington State University, Wednesday, June, 14, 2023.
Detail of a respirometry trial with juvenile chinook salmon research project in Professor Paul Wheeler’s Fish Lab on the campus of Washington State University, Wednesday, June 14, 2023.