Crimson awards
Katelyn Sedig, mentor Dr. Stephanie Porter, on “Diversity in Microbial Mutualists Benefit Plant Growth”
Elise Bugge, mentor Dr. R. Dave Evans, on “Decreasing N2 Fixation in Lobaria oregano is Likely Caused by Anthropogenic Emissions”

Gray awards
Paige Gear, mentor Dr. Kathy Beerman, on “Tamarind – A Regional Food Source in Rural Guatemala Facilitates Iron Fortification of Food Prepared With Lucky Iron Fish”
Megan Brauner, mentor Dr. Tanya Cheeke, on “Development of a New Method to Quantify Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Environmental Samples”
Ashley Kophs, mentors Dr. Asaph Cousins and Dr. Robert DiMario, on “Understanding the Kinetic Properties of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase: A Key Enzyme of C4 Photosynthesis”
Madison Armstrong, mentor Dr. Mark Dybdahl, on “The Evolution of Plastic Expression as an Explanation of Invasion Success”
Brooklin Devine, mentor Dr. Kathy Beerman, on “Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Rural, Underserved Communities in Guatemala”