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Fall 2019 SBS Research Night

By: Lauren Matheson

School of Biological Sciences’ Research Night 2019 was a success! Students showed up to Eastlick Student Lounge at 5 pm to enjoy pizza and refreshments before the faculty presentations. This year was the biggest turnout we’ve seen yet!

Research Night is a great way for undergraduates to hear faculty discuss the work being done in their labs and learn about the ways that they can get involved. Each faculty member prepared a brief summary of their studies which ranged from topics such as the ecology of infectious disease, marine biology, animal physiology and much more.

After the presentations faculty and students broke into small groups for one-on-one discussions. Students can ask specific questions about their lab work and how they could get involved.

“Research night is really beneficial to students and allow us explore the different avenues within biological research,” said Sara Bruner.

Research Night is an annual event held for all students and is a great way to get to know faculty members, other biology students and learn more about the SBS research labs.

Small group discussions allow face to face interactions between faculty and students.
Many biology students seized the opportunity to learn more about various studies being conducted throughout the School of Biological Sciences.
Faculty love the opportunity to share their work with students.