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SBS Spring Seminars!

School of Biological Sciences Spring Seminar Series 2023


February 6, Monday


Dr. Seth Rudman

Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Vancouver


“Rapid adaptation and its consequences for natural populations”

Zoom Recording



February 13, Monday


Dr. Amir Gilmore

College of Education and Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion for Student Success and Retention, Washington State University


“What Will Your Students Inherit?: Fostering a Sense of Belonging Through Teaching and Mentoring”

Zoom Recording 


February 27, Monday:  Virtual, Zoom only


Dr. Natalie Christian

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Louisville


“The effects of global change on plant microbiomes”

Zoom Recording



March 6, Monday


Dr. Cailin O’Connor

Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Science at the University of California, Irvine


“Interdisciplinarity Can Aid the Spread of Better Methods”

Co-Sponsor:  Honors College Bhatia Lectureship

Zoom Recording


March 20, Monday 


Dr. Adam Laats

Professor of Education and History, Binghampton University


“ ’Evolution and All That:’ Why America Can’t Stop Fighting About Creationism”

Zoom Recording


March 22, Wednesday


Dr. Sarah Olson

Wildlife Conservation Society


“A large-scale empirical study of hibernating bat energetics and modeled implications on White-Nose Syndrome susceptibility”

Zoom Recording



March 27        


Ryan Wessendorf

School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University


“Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase’s affinity for bicarbonate and phosphoenolpyruvate: implications for C4 photosynthesis”


Zoom Recording



April 10, Monday


Dr. Michael Bell

Air Resources Division, National Park Service


“Combustion, cows, critical loads, and conservation: Using air pollution science to protect federal lands”


Zoom Recording




April 12, Wednesday


Robyn Reeves

School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University


Title:   “Leptin: Pleiotropic roles in amphibian immune regulation, wound healing, and regeneration.”


Zoom Recording


April 17, Monday


Dr. Pankaj Jaiswal

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, College of Agricultural Sciences, Oregon State University


“Accelerating candidate gene discovery for stress tolerance in crop plants”


Zoom Recording


April 24, Monday


Tony Carnahan

School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University


“The Development and Calibration of Techniques to Measure Energy Expenditure and Activity in Grizzly Bears”





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