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Donald N. Allison

Donald N. Allison

Field of Study: Health, Language, Culture, and Gender Ideologies
Title: Career Track Associate Professor
Degrees: Ph.D., Culture, Literacy, and Language, The University of Texas at San Antonio; MPAS, Physician Assistant Studies, Emphasis in Emergency Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Homepage: Homepage/Lab Web Site Link
Google Scholar:  Google Scholar
Office: CUE 502 J
Phone: 509-335-4549
Fax: 509-335-5923
Mailing Address: School of Biological Sciences
Washington State University
PO Box 644236
Pullman,WA 99164-4236


*Sociolinguistics and ideology surrounding illness and healthcare
*Gender/masculinity and language use reflecting ideology of illness
*Cultural nuances of illness and help seeking behaviors reflected by language
*Language Policy
*Linguistic Landscape and Identity and/or Language Policy
*Health Literacy

After working clinically as a Physician Assistant for more than 20 years, primarily with migrant farmworkers in Northern Colorado, I was intrigued by the concept of language use related to the way men talk about illness such as HIV/AIDS and how it reflects gender and culture ideologies specific to the migrant farmworker. The ethnographic qualitative approach I use in my study, provides rich data for d/Discourse analysis in my field language, Spanish. Subsequently, this has lead to research data on Language policy, allowing me to combine my background in healthcare with sociolinguistics, and the social construct components of power, gender, and culture as ideologies expressed when speaking about sensitive health topics such as HIV/AIDS by a marginalized migrant group of individuals.

Representative Publications:

  • Allison, D., Blessing, J. D., Lyons, B. (2012). Behavior modification. In Muma, R. &
    Lyons, B. (Eds.), Patient education: A practical approach (2nd ed.). Sudbury,
    MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, Inc.