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Cheryl Schultz

Cheryl Schultz

Field of Study: Conservation Biology
Title: Professor
Degrees: PhD Zoology, University of Washington
Homepage: Homepage/Lab Web Site Link
Google Scholar: Google Scholar
Office: VSCI 130K
Phone: 360-546-9525
Fax: 360-546-9064
Mailing Address: School of Biological Sciences
Washington State University
PO Box 644236
Pullman,WA 99164-4236


Human-caused changes in the earth’s ecosystems are responsible for the decline and extinction of the world’s biological diversity. In the Conservation Biology Research Group, we study the ecology of at-risk species in response to key drivers: habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, habitat degradation, invasive species, alteration of ecosystem process, and global climate change.

Using a population-ecology lens, we use field and quantitative methods to address pivotal ecological questions. We seek to understand the relative contributions of individual, population and landscape-level processes to the population viability of endangered species as these processes interface with realistic conservation interventions. Our work largely uses at-risk butterflies in Pacific Northwest Prairies as a model system to address fundamental ecological questions while simultaneously tackling focal questions to guide on-the-ground practice

Representative Publications:

  • Schultz, C. B., N. M. Haddad, E. E. Henry, and E. E. Crone. 2019. Movement and demography of at-risk butterflies: Building blocks for conservation. Annual Review of Entomology 64: 167-184
  • Warchola, N., E. E. Crone, and C. Schultz. 2018. Balancing costs and benefits of fire for population viability of endangered butterflies. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:800-809.
  • Himes Boor, G. K., C. B. Schultz, E. E. Crone, and W. F. Morris. 2018. Mechanism matters: the cause of fluctuations in boom-bust populations governs optimal habitat restoration strategy. Ecological Applications 28: 356-372
  • Schultz, C. B., L. M. Brown, E. Pelton, and E. E. Crone. 2017. Citizen science monitoring demonstrates dramatic declines of monarch butterflies in western North America. Biological Conservation 214:343-346.
  • Schultz, C. B., B. G. Pe’er, C. Damiani, L. Brown, and E. E. Crone. 2017. Does movement behaviour predict population densities? A test with 25 butterfly species. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:384-393
  • Schultz, C. B., and E. E. Crone. 2015. Using ecological theory to develop recovery criteria for an endangered butterfly. Journal of Applied Ecology 52:1111-1115
  • Schultz, C. B., A. M. A. Franco, and E. E. Crone. 2012. Response of butterflies to structural and resource boundaries. Journal of Animal Ecology 81:724-734
  • Schultz, C. B., E. Henry, A. Carleton, T. Hicks, R. Thomas, A. Potter, M. Collins, M. Linders, C. Fimbel, S. Black, H. E. Anderson, G. Diehl, S. Hamman, R. Gilbert, J. Foster, D. Hays, D. Wilderman, R. Davenport, E. Steel, N. Page, P. L. Lilley, J. Heron, N. Kroeker, C. Webb, and B. Reader. 2011. Conservation of prairie-oak butterflies in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Northwest Science 85:361-388
  • Schultz, C. B., and E. E. Crone. 2001. Edge-mediated dispersal behavior in a prairie butterfly. Ecology 82:1879-1892
  • Schultz, C. B. 1998. Dispersal behavior and its implications for reserve design in a rare Oregon butterfly. Conservation Biology 12:284-292.