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Dick Mack

Richard Mack

Field of Study: Ecology
Title: Emeritus Professor
Degrees: PhD, Washington State University
Homepage: CV
Google Scholar:  Google Scholar
Office: Heald 319
Phone: 509-335-3316
Mailing Address: School of Biological Sciences
Washington State University
PO Box 644236
Pullman,WA 99164-4236


My research investigates the role that non-native plant species have within communities. I attempt to determine what species’ characteristics and environmental events result in a few such species becoming invasive (i..e, proliferating and permanently altering the species composition and interactions within native communities) compared with the fate of most non-native immigrants, which is to eventually die-out.

More recently, I have devoted some of my career to developing procedures and tools to control and even eradicate invasive species. and most recently, to help assemble policy recommendations that NGOs and governments could use to combat these destuctive species.

Representative Publications:

  • Pawlak, A.R., R.N. Mack and S.J. Novak. (2015) Invasion of Bromus tectorum (L.) into California and the American Southwest: rapid, multi-directional and genetically diverse. Biological Invasions 17: 287-306. 111.
  • Smith, M.C., R. Gomulkiewicz and R.N. Mack. (2015) Potential role of masting by introduced bamboos in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) population irruptions: public heath and environmental consequences. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124419.
  • Novak, S.J. and R.N. Mack. (2016) Mating system, introduction and genetic diversity of Bromus tectorum in North America, the most notorious product of evolution within Bromus section Genea. In: Exotic Annual Bromus Grasses in Semiarid Ecosystems of the Western US: Assessing Causes, Consequences, and Management Alternatives (M. Germino, C. Brown, and J. Chambers, eds.), Springer, pp. 99-132.
  • Gordon, D.R., R.N. Mack et al. (2016) Weed risk assessments are an effective component of invasion risk management. Invasive Plant Science and Management 9:81-83.
  • Connolly, B.M., J. Powers and R.N. Mack (2017) Biotic constraints on the establishment and performance of native, naturalized, and invasive plants in the Pacific Northwest (USA) steppe and forest. Neobiota 34: 21-40.
  • Connolly, B.M., L. Carris and R.N. Mack (2018) Soil-borne seed pathogens: contributors to the naturalization gauntlet in Pacific Northwest (USA) forest and steppe communities? Plant Ecology 219: 359-368.