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SBS Biolunch: Bernardo Traversari of the Crespi lab

Title: “Carry-over effects of elevated salinity and temperature on wood frog (Rana sylvatica) development and behavior.” Anthropogenically-induced salinization of freshwater systems due to the application of road de-icing salts has been identified as a significant environmental stressor for amphibians across the United States. This study aimed to measure the interactive effects of elevated salinity and […]

Hearts in Motion Alumni Reunion and Virtual Trip to Guatemala

Dear WSU/ Hearts in Motion Medical Missions Teams!  Can you believe it has been 12 years since WSU sent its first cohort of students to be part of HIM's medical missions? Since then, almost 400 of you have gone on these trips and had a deep impact in helping an underserved and wonderful population get […]

SBS Spring 2021 Seminar Series: Ryan Gutenkunst

Speaker: Ryan Gutenkunst, University of Arizona (  Title: DFEnitely Different: Correlations of mutation fitness effects across populations and proteins Host: Dr. Kelly Zoom log-in details will be provided prior to the event