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Microscopic creature.

Franceschi Microscopy & Imaging Center

The Franceschi Microscopy and Imaging Center (FMIC) is a research and educational facility for the imaging and ultrastructural study of biological and non-biological materials. It is a centralized facility available to all WSU researchers and students. The FMIC provides electron microscopy and light microscopy equipment for observation and analysis of a diverse array of specimens.

The FMIC currently maintains two TEMs, one SEM, three confocal microscopes, a fluorescence microscope, and various light microscopes. All necessary ancillary equipment such as a high pressure freezer, auto freeze sub, two ultramicrotomes, and sputter coaters for SEM sample prep. Computers for image processing and analysis are maintained for student and faculty use. The center provides project consultation and has a skilled staff to assist students and faculty in a wide range of research projects. Faculty and students are welcome to visit the FMIC located on the ground floor of Abelson Hall (103/133 Abelson Hall). Inquiries about services and courses offered or class tours of the facilities can be made by calling (509) 335-3025 or email