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Kathy Beerman

Kathy Beerman

Field of Study: Human Nutrition
Title: Professor
Degrees: PhD, Oregon State University
Homepage: Homepage/Lab Web Site Link
Google Scholar:  Google Scholar
Office: Eastlick 393
Phone: 509-335-5011
Mailing Address: School of Biological Sciences
Washington State University
PO Box 644236
Pullman,WA 99164-4236


Dr. Kathy Beerman teaches in the School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University. Prior to this, she was a faculty member in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition for 18 years. The author of several published articles, she is interested in research that focuses on the efficacy of a novel approach to treating iron deficiency anemia in rural regions of Guatemala and Ecuador. Dr. Beerman has also collaborated in studies investigating the physiologic effects of bioactive components in food. Studies include the effects of isoflavones on health parameters (immune response, thyroid function, memory, and metabolic profile) in postmenopausal women.

Dr. Beerman teaches the introductory nutrition course for health majors, as well as a course that prepares students to participate in a 10-day medical mission to Guatemala. Since joining the faculty at Washington State University in 1990, she has been the recipient of several college and university teaching awards (the Burlington Northern Faculty Meritorious Achievement in Teaching Award, the R.M. Wade Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the WSU Mortar Board’s Distinguished Professor Award). In 2008, Dr. Beerman was awarded the Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction. More recently, she received the CAS Outstanding Achievement Award in International Activities (2017) and the President’s Award for Leadership (2018). Dr. Beerman was inducted into the President’s Teaching Academy at Washington State University, which is composed of faculty members who provide leadership to strengthen undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning. Other scholarly activities include co-author of two introductory nutrition textbooks (Nutritional Sciences: From Fundamentals to Food and NUTR).

Representative Publications:

  • Rodríguez-Vivaldi AM and Beerman KA. Testing the efficacy of the Lucky Iron Fish™ in reversing iron deficiency anemia in rural, impoverished regions of Guatemala. J Glob Health Rep. 2018;2:e2018014.
  • Doherty M.C., M.McGuire, K.A.Beerman, N.Dasgupta, A.Ahmadzadeh, M.K.McGuire Loss of body fat and higher milk fat in early lactation are associated with shorter duration of postpartum anovulation in women.. Journal of Human Lactation. 2015;31(2).
  • Beerman, K.A., Ryan-Borchers, T., Park, J.S., Chew, B.P., Fournier L., McGuire, M.K. Effects of dietary and supplemental forms of isoflavones on thyroid function in healthy postmenopausal women. Clinical Topics in Nutrition January/February 2008.
  • Fournier LR, Ryan-Borchers TA, Robison LM, Wiediger M, Park JS, Chew, BP, McGuire MK, Sclar DA, Skaier TL, Beerman, KA. The effects of soy milk and soy-derived isoflavone supplements on cognitive performance in healthy, postmenopausal women. J of Nutr, Health, and Aging; 11:155-164, 2007.
  • Ryan-Borchers, T., Park, J.S., Chew, B.P., Beerman, K.A. Fournier L. & McGuire, M.K. Soy isoflavones modulate do not influence thyroid function in healthy postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr; 83:1118-1125, 2006.
  • Anderson, N.K., Beerman, K.A., McGuire, M.A., Dasgupta, N., Griinari, M.J., Williams, J. & McGuire, M.K. Type of dietary fat influences total milk fat content in lean women. J of Nutr; 135:416-421, 2005.
  • Master N, McGuire M, Beerman KA, Dasgupta N, McGuire MK. Maternal supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid decreases milk fat in humans. Lipids. 37(2):133-137; 2002.
  • Newberry H., Beerman K., Duncan S., McGuire M., and Hillers H. Nonvitamin, Nonmineral Dietary Supplement Use in College Students. Journal of American College Health 50:123-129, 2001.
  • Hirano K., Heiss C., Olson K., Beerman K., Brahler CJ. A comparison of calculated and measure resting energy expenditure in obese women. Topics in Clin Nutri. 16:3; June 2001.
  • McGuire MK, Beerman K, McGuire MA, Shafii B, Houseknecht K. Relationships among human milk and plasma leptin concentrations and anthropmetric measurements in lactating women. Nutr Res. 20:1697-1706; 2000.
  • Millard G, Beerman K, Massey L, Shultz T. Pregnancy and birth outcomes of high risk women participating in a multidisciplinary intervention program. Topics in Clincal Nutrition. 14(4);64-75; 1999.
  • Houseknecht KL, McGuire MK, Portocarrero CP, McGuire MA, Beerman K. Leptin is present in human milk and is related to maternal plasma leptin concentration and adiposity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 240, 742-747: 1997.