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WSU SBS Faculty of the Month, Sian Ritchie

By: Hailey Meyer

“Life takes unexpected turns. You have to go with the flow and take opportunities when you get them. Things don’t always follow a standard trajectory, but that makes life more interesting,” said Sian Ritchie.

Sian Ritchie, a Washington State University Clinical Assistant Professor, grew up in the U.K. wanting to teach elementary students.

“It was never my plan, and I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to be a professor,” Ritchie explained.

She received both her Bachelor’s Degree and PH.D. at the University of Reading in the U.K. She also obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry, and a Master’s Degree in Teaching at Washington State University.

“After my Ph.D. I did research and I really enjoyed that. I also did more here at WSU as well,” Ritchie said.

She worked as a substitute teacher and also at the local science museum. Ritchie was later offered a part-time job teaching labs at WSU. She eventually turned into a full-time professor.

Ritchie now advises students who are pursuing Biology, Zoology, and General Studies-Basic Medical Sciences degrees. She is also fascinated with using technology to improve and help undergraduate students.

Ritchie also runs the exit-surveys for graduate students in her departments and wants to emphasize for incoming students to reach out and talk to professors and other students.

“It’s kind of intimidating to a lot of students but it’s so important to get out there and get involved, students can learn a lot,” Ritchie said.

SBS graduate students awarded endowment scholarships

Congratulations to the following SBS graduate students for being awarded endowment scholarships based on research, teaching, service, notable achievement, or strategic support for Spring 2019:

Austin Patton
Carsten Voelkner
Chris Duke
Clay Bailes
Erin Wiese
Kimberly Cook
Larry Collins
Marci Parra
Mark Smithson
Milica Radanovic
Nolan Scheible
Olivia Smith
Robyn Reeve
Samantha Bussan
Tom Sexton
Zoie Lopez

In addition, Johnna Eilers and Adam Becker were awarded grants from the Smoot Hill Graduate Research Fund in support of research projects at the Hudson Biological Reserve at Smoot Hill.

Congratulations to SURCA award winners mentored by SBS faculty!

Crimson awards
Katelyn Sedig, mentor Dr. Stephanie Porter, on “Diversity in Microbial Mutualists Benefit Plant Growth”
Elise Bugge, mentor Dr. R. Dave Evans, on “Decreasing N2 Fixation in Lobaria oregano is Likely Caused by Anthropogenic Emissions”

Gray awards
Paige Gear, mentor Dr. Kathy Beerman, on “Tamarind – A Regional Food Source in Rural Guatemala Facilitates Iron Fortification of Food Prepared With Lucky Iron Fish”
Megan Brauner, mentor Dr. Tanya Cheeke, on “Development of a New Method to Quantify Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Environmental Samples”
Ashley Kophs, mentors Dr. Asaph Cousins and Dr. Robert DiMario, on “Understanding the Kinetic Properties of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase: A Key Enzyme of C4 Photosynthesis”
Madison Armstrong, mentor Dr. Mark Dybdahl, on “The Evolution of Plastic Expression as an Explanation of Invasion Success”
Brooklin Devine, mentor Dr. Kathy Beerman, on “Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Rural, Underserved Communities in Guatemala”